The Mushara Collection

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The Spirit of Mushara

Mushara will leave you yearning for more, long after your departure

Mushara offers luxury accommodation on the doorstep of the famous Etosha National Park, located just 8 km from the Von Lindequist gate of the reserve. This special place caters for families or exclusive private accommodation, where an aura of tranquility and contemplation prevail. Their experienced and enthusiastic guides will embellish you with their intricate knowledge of the Etosha pan, the flora and fauna and the diverse animal species you will encounter.

On this page we provide you with comprehensive information material of all our products. The downloadable high resolution images are copyright-free.

Mushara Collection Logo

Telephone: +264 61 241880

Mushara Accommodation

Download Lodge Fact Sheets, Rates & High Resolution Images

Mushara Game Drives

Etosha Game Drives

Download High Resolution Images

On our game drives guests and guides experience awe-inspiring insights into the wildlife of Etosha. Our vehicles offer 360-degree unobstructed views from elevated seats that will take your breath away.

Ute von Ludwiger, a passionate photographer and one of our vastly experienced Etosha guides, invites you to view and download her pictures of the Etosha National Park and its wonders. All we ask is that you please credit Ute von Ludwiger and The Mushara Collection.

Contact us

Telephone: +264 61 241880 or Email: